WRIGHT, Henry Nelson. Mainput, Uttar Pradesh 29.10.1869 — England 13.5.1941. British Civil Servant and Numismatist In India, concentrating on Muslim coins. Son of Francis Nelson Wright of I.C.S., educated at Eton. Studied two years classics at Oxford (Corpus Christi College). In 1890 sailed to India, first post in Meerut. From 1896 Under Secretary to the Government, 1899 Director of Land Records and Agriculture and 1901 Registrar at the High Court in Allahabad. In 1917-19 at India Office in London, then back to India, now as Judge First Grade at the High Court in Bareilly, retired 1925 and returned to England. Married 1906 Edith Stuckey (d. 1917), four children, and 1919 Minnie (Madge) Barnes, one daughter.
Wright was a founder member of the Numismatic Society of India (1910, when he served in Allahabad). His coin collection is now divided between British and Delhi Museums.
Publications: Catalogue of the Coins in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. 2. Coins of Sultans of Delhi and other contemporary Moslem rulers. 12+280 p. 14+11 pl. Oxford 1907; 3. Coins of the Mughals. 360 p. 22 pl. Oxford 1908.
– “The coinage of the Sulṭāns of Mālwā”, NC 5:12, 1932, 13-53.
– The Coinage and Metrology of the Sultans of Dehlī. 20+432 p. 24 pl. L. 1936.
Sources: *NC 6:1, 1941, Proc. 11f.; briefly in Wikipedia (much better in 2024) .
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