WLISLOCKI, Heinrich von

WLISLOCKI, Heinrich Adalbert von. Kronstadt (now Braşov) 9.7.1856 — Klosdorf bei Kleinkopisch (now Şona in Translivania) 19.2.1907. Austrian Gypsy Scholar. His father was Polish-Austrian tax collector and mother a German of Transylvania, educated in Kronstadt. In 1875-79 studied at Klausenburg (Cluj-Napoca), mainly Germanic, but also Sanskrit (Brassai). Ph.D. 1879 (diss. on Edda). Worked as tutor in 1883-90 in Mühlbach (Sebeş), but also eagerly collected gipsy material. Also worked as translator. In last years, from 1899, suffered of mental problems and of weakening eyesight. Married Rosa Saric, herself a gipsy, divorced, then remarried Fanny Dörfler, a Hungarian folklorist.

Wlislocki was relatively unprejudiced for his time, lived long periods with the nomadic Transylvanian gipsies and knew intimately their life.

Publications: Diss. Hapax legomena im Atlamál. 1879, then publ. in Z. für vgl. Litteratur.

Die Sprache der transylvanischen Zigeuner. Grammatik. Wörterbuch. 2+128 p. Lp. 1884.

Märchen und Sagen der Transsilvanischen Zigeuner. 18+139 p. B. 1886; Volksdichtungen der siebenbürgischen und südungarischen Zigeuner. 16+431 p. Vienna 1890.

Vom wandernden Zigeunervolke. Bilder aus dem Leben der Siebenbürger Zigeuner, Geschichtliches, Ethnologisches, Sprache und Poesie. 7+390 p. Hamburg 1890.

Aus dem inneren Leben der Zigeuner. Ethnologische Mittheilungen. 220 p. 28 fig. Berlin 1892.

Some other books and numerous articles, also on Transylvanian Saxons, Hungarians and Armenians, especially in Ungar. Revue, Z. für vgl. Litteratur, JGLS, Z. f. deutsche Philologie and ZDMG.

Sources: Briefly in Bethlenfalvy 1980, 21; H.F. Helmolt, JGLS N.S. 1, 1908, 193-197; German Wikipedia with photo.

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