CAMPBELL, Archibald (elder)

CAMPBELL, Archibald. Port Ellen, Islay, Hebrides 20.4.1805 (not 1804) — Slough, Berkshire 5.11.1874. British (Scottish) Physician in India. His first name was Archibald, but he usually signed just A. Campbell, which led some to assume Andrew or Arthur. Son of the elder Archibald C. and his wife Helen. Studies at Glasgow and Edinburgh. 1827, now joined Bengal Medical Service, served in Meerut. From 1832 British Resident in Kathmandu, 1839 moved to Darjeeling, where he became the superintendent of the sanitarium, until retirement in 1862. In 1872 returned to U.K., worked as physician in Slough. Married 1841 Miss Lamb, 12 children.

He was led to studies in Kathmandu by Hodgson. Started tea cultivation in Darjeeling in 1841 and developed the town.

Publications: “Notice of the Nipalese Spirit Still”, JASB 4, 1835, 282-285; “Notes on the Musical Instruments and Agricultural and other Instruments of the Nipalese”, JASB 6, 1837, 953-963; “Note on the Mechis, together with a small Vocabulary of the Language”, JASB 8, 1839, 623-631; “Note on the Lepchas of Sikkim, with a Vocabukary of their Language, JASB 9, 1840, 379-393; “Note on Limboos, and other Hill Tribes hitherto undescribed”, JASB 9, 1840, 595-615; “On the Literature and Origin of certain Hill Tribes in Sikkim”, JASB 11, 1842, 4f.; further articles on Himalayan nature and ethnology in JASB vols. 2-27

– “On the tribes around Darjeeling”, Transactions of the Ethnol. Soc, .7, 1868, 144-159, 333; “On the Looshais”, JRAnthrInst 3, 1874, 57-65.

Sources: *JAnthrInst 7, 1878, 379-391; Wikipedia (earlier as Arthur C., now corrected); not in Br. Biogr. Arch. 1st & 2nd series.

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