CAMPBELL, Andrew. Boltan, Lancashire 1845 — Pokharia 8.7.1919. Rev. British (Scottish) Missionary in Chota Nagpur, a Santali Scholar. Dr.div. Served the Santal Mission of Free Church of Scotland, from 1872, first at Giridh in Hazaribagh dt., from 1879 at Pokharia in Manbhoom. Also an Honorary Magistrate, and Member of the Manbhum District Board and of the Bihar and Orissa Legislative Council. Some called him “the Apostle of Santals”, but he was also the founder of Santali lexicography.

Publications: Santal Folktales. 127 p. Pokhuria n.d. / London 1892; ethnographic articles in JBORS, etc.

A Santali-English Dictionary. 726 p. Pokharia 1899; An English–Santali Dictionary. 234 p. Pokhuria 1905; both better known as the 2nd ed. of both by R. M. Macphail. 1933.

School books in Santali.

Sources: JBORS 1919, 410f.; S.P. Sinha, Conflict and Tension in Tribal Society. Delhi 1993, 122f.; not in Br. Biogr. Arch. 1st & 2nd series.

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