CAPPIERI, Mario. 1894 — 1979. Italian Anthropologist. Professor of Anthropology in Rome (in the 1950s Assistant).
Publications: “Le caste degli intoccabili in India”, Rivista di Antropoligia 35, 1947, 424-429; “Unità ed omogeneità antropologica degli Andamanesi”, Anthropos 57, 1962, 374-433; other articles on the Andamanese.
– L’India preistorica. 233 p. 32 pl. Firenze 1960.
– “Ist die Indus-Kultur und ihre Bevolkerung wirklich verschwunden?”, Anthropos 60, 1965, 719-762.
– The population of the Indus Civilisation. 46 p. Miami 1970.
– The Mediterranean race in Asia before the iron age. 28 p. Field Research Projects, Occ. Paper 8. Miami 1969.
– The Iranians of the Copper/Bronze Ages. Ed. by Henry Field. 6+60 p. 4 pl. Field Research Projects. Study no. 36. Coconut Grove, Fla. 1973.
– The Andamanese: cultural elements, elements of demogenetics, physical anthropology, and raciology. Ed. by Henry Field. 93 p. Field Research Projects. Study no. 89. Miami 1974.
– Books on archaeology of other regions and racial studies until 1979.
Sources: Books often mentioned, nothing about the person.
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