BAUDIŠ, Josef. Prague 27.8.1883 — Bratislava 4.5.1933. Czech IE and Celtic Linguist and Folklorist. Gymnasium and studies (1902-06) in Prague. Ph.D. 1906 (under Zubatý). Soon PD at Prague, also taught at a gymnasium there. After WW lived some time in the U.K. studying Celtology. From 1924 Professor at Comenius University in Bratislava.

Publications: Hab.diss. Studie o perfeklech typu skr. dad´āu a jajñ´āu. 72 p. Böhm. Akad. 1910.

Czech Folk Tales. 16+196 p. London 1917.

Struktura jazyků indoevropských. 212 p. Bratislava 1932.

Grammar of Early Welsh. 178 p. 1924 and other Celtological publications.

Sources: *O. Hujer, Listy filologické 60, 1933, 205f.; *long obituary in Czech by V. Machek in; L.C. Wharton & N.P. Jopson, Slavonic and East European Review 12, 1933, 204-207; Kdo byl kdo – čeští a slovenští orientalisté; Czech Wikipedia briefly with photo and further references.

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