BELENICKIJ, Aleksandr Markovič.

BELENICKIJ, Aleksandr Markovič. Ljubino (Lobino), Belarus 24.3./6.4.1904 — St.Petersburg 15.6.1993. Russian Archaeologist, Specialist of Sogdian Art. Son of a farmer. After studies in Smolensk worked 1923-27 as a teacher.Graduated 1930 from Taškent. In 1930-34 teacher in Dušanbe and Hudžanda in Tadzhikistan, 1934-37 aspirant at Lenigrad University.Kand. ist. nauk 1938, dr. ist. nauk 1967. From 1938 naučnyj sotrudnik at Archaeological Institute, in 1941-45 in military service. Docent 1946, staršij naučnyj sotrudnik 1950.

Publications: “Nouvelles découvertes de sculptures et de peintures murales a Piandjikent”, Arts as. 5, 1958, 163-182.

– With V. I. Raspopov: Pendžikent. 32 p. Dušanbe 1971; with B. I. Marshak & A. Sollohub: “L’art de Piandjikent à la lumière des dernières fouilles (1958-1968)”, Arts as. 23, 1971, 3-39.

Monumental’noe iskusstvo Pendžikenta. 73 p. 53 pl. M. 1973; rev. German transl. Mittelasien: Kunst der Sogden. 240 p. 101 pl. Lp. 1980.

With I. B. Bentovskij & O. G. Bol’šakov: Srednevek. gorod Sredn. Azii. 388 p. Lg. 1973.

Sources: Miliband 1995; *Russian Vikipedija.

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