BENDA, Elimar. Freiburg im Br. 13.8.1890 — 1976. German Librarian. Dr.iur. 1913 Jena. Further studies of comparative linguistics, Germanistics and Sanskrit at Marburg. From c. 1921 Library Assistant Berlin, in 1922 moved to Marburg, in 1926/30 Librarian in Freiburg im Br., in 1940 Bibliotheksrat in Heidelberg. In the Preface of his 1940 book he referred to his former teachers of Indology without names (though not critically, perhaps they were Jews).
Publications: Diss. Das moralische Recht Schopenhauers als Grundlage und Quelle für induktive Rechtsfindung: eine rechtsphilosophische Abhandlung. 53 p. 1913.
– Der Vedische Ursprung des symbolischen Buddhabildes. 67 p. Sammlung orientalistischer Arbeiten 1. Lp. 1940.
Sources: Birth and studies in Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen 1921, 98; member lists of D.M.G. 1926, 1930, years in; further information from stray notes in Internet. A letter by him in F. Weller Archives in Leipzig, others can be traced e.g. in Kalliope.
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