BERGMAN, Folke. Stockholm 29.8.1902 — Stockholm 22.5.1946. Swedish Central Asian Archaeologist. Matriculated 1922 from Norrmalm (Stockholm), studies at Uppsala.  Participated in excavations in Visby, then in Sven Hedin’s Chinese expedition 1929-35 and found the tombs of Xiaohe in Lop Nur. In Sweden worked as Amanuens of East Asian collections in East Asian Museum (Östasiatiska Museet, now part of Världskulturmuseet).

Publications:Lou-Lan Wood-Carvings and Small Finds Discovered by Sven Hedin”, Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities 7, 1935, 71-144.

Archaeological Researches in Sinkiang. Especially in the Lop-Nor Region. 250 p. Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the Northwestern Provinces of China under the Leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin / Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China: Publication 7. Stockholm 1939.

Participated in Hedin’s expedition reports.

Sources: Wikipedia briefly (slightly more in Swedish version, with photo, fuller account of his Central Asian work in German version); position in Sweden found in

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