BOR, Norman Loftus

BOR, Norman Loftus. Tramore, County Waterford 2.5.1893 — London 22.12.1972. Irish Botanist. Son of Edward Bor and Mabel Thornton. Educated in Kilkenny and Dublin, studied medicine at Trinity College, but in 1914 joined the army. War service in Greece and Palestine, wounded 1916. B.A. 1921, M.A. 1927, Trinity College. B.Sc. 1921 and Dr.Sc. 1930 Edinburgh, in botany. Worked at Forestry Dept. in Shillong, Assam until 1946. From 1948 Assistant Director of Kew Gardens, retired 1959. Sc.D. 1948 Trinity College. Married 1931 Eleanor Constance Rundall, no children.

Publications: “The Daflas and their Oaths”, JASB 3rd S. Letters 2, 1936, 27-39; “The Yano Dafla Grammar and Vocabulary”, JASB 3rd S. Letters 4, 1938, 217-281.

With C.R. Pawsey: “English–Sema Vocabulary”, JASB 3rd S. Ltr 4, 1938, 309-349.

Several books and articles on the plants of India (esp. Assam), also floras of Cyprus and Iraq.

Sources: *C.E. Hubbard, Kew Bulletin 30, 1975, 1-10, with bibliography; Wikipedia.

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