BORROW, George Henry. East Dereham, Norfolk 5.7.1803 — Lowestoft, Suffolk 26.7.1881. British Author. Son of Thomas B., an army recruiting officer, and Ann Perfrement. Educated in Edinburgh and Norwich, for a while also in Ireland, then studied law, but soon turned to languages and literature. In 1825 first journey to France and Germany, later also visited Russia (1833-35), Portugal, Spain and Morocco, often as agent of Bible Society, but always acquainting himself with the people and languages. After marriage in 1840 (with Mary Clarke) settled in Lowestoft, but also continued travels (1844 to Istanbul, but usually only in the U.K.).
Publications: The Zincali, or, an account of the Gypsies of Spain with an original collection of their songs and poetry, and a copious dictionary of their language. 1-2. L. 1841.
– Romano Lavo-Lil, a wordbook of the Romany; or English Gypsy Language. 8+331 p. L. 1874.
– Novels and travel books, where Romanis often figure rather prominently; literary translations.
Sources: Wikipedia with portrait and further references
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