BUTLER, John. India? 1843? — Lak Nuti near Gologhat, Assam 7.1.1876, when 33. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of the elder —> John Butler. Captain, in 1870-72 Deputy Commissioner of the Naga Hills, then Political Agent there. Led several early expeditions to Naga and Manipur Hills. Died after having been wounded by a Naga spear.
Publications: “A rough Comparative Vocabulary of some of the Dialects spoken in the ‘Nága Hills’ District”, JASB 42, 1873, Part 1. Appendix; “A Rough Comparative Vocabulary of two more of the Dialects spoken in the ‘Nágá Hills’”, JASB 44:1, 1875, 216-227 (a vocabulary of Lhotá Nágá); “Rough Notes on the Angámi Nágás and their Language”, JASB 44:1, 1875, 307-346, pl. xix-xxv (also on history, society, nature, etc.).
Sources: Death in https://www.iwm.org.uk/memorials/item/memorial/40313, descendance and exact death place in https://www.rootschat.com/forum/index.php?topic=549949.0.
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