CÄMMERER, August Friedrich. Wusterhausen, Brandenburg 22.6.1767 — Trankebar 22.10.1837. German Missionary in India. Son of Christian Gottlieb C. School and studies at Halle. After brief time as teacher ordained in Copenhagen in 1789. In India from 1791 until death (with a pause in 1821-23). The last of the Halle missionaries in Trankebar. Hon. dr.phil. 1805. Three times married, 1792 Clara Augusta Koch, 1805 Dorothea Augusta Martini and later on Dorothea Sophie Martini, three sons and two daughters.
Publications: Kural des Tiruvalluwer, Gedichte und Denksprüche. 176 p. Nürnberg 1803 (incomplete and free translation).
Sources: http://www.gaebler.info/india/daenisch-hallesche_mission.htm; the very brief account in Wikipedia is questionable (he is called both Danish and Dutch, not German).
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