CELLARIUS, Johan Adam. Ulm 1740 — Cochin 15.6.1796. Dutch (Germann-born) Colonial Servant in India. Son of Johann Jacob C. and Maria Müller (?). Entered in 1762 the Dutch E.I.C.’s service as corporal and was stationed in Cochin, but soon moved to mercantile department. Then factor (Onderkoopman & Opperhoofd) in Cranganore (1781), from c. 1786 public prosecutor in Cochin. He was wealthy man and had trading contacts extending to Bombay, Ulm and London. After the British take-over remained in Cochin, where he had his family and wealth, and died eight months later. Married c. 1778 Maria Catharina Daimichen and was inherited by his daughter, Maria Helena C., also two sons. The inventory made of his inheritance lists details of his large collection of books, maps, etc.

Publications: “Aanteekeningen over de Spraak, Wetenschappen en Kunsten der Mallabaren”, Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap 3, 1781, 299-338 (2nd ed. 1824, 187-201).

Sources: A. Singh, Fort Cochin in Kerala, 1750-1830: The Social Condition of a Dutch Community. Leiden 1976; birth in A. Weyermann, Nachrichten von Gelehrten, Künstlern und anderen merkwürdigen Personen aus Ulm. Ulm 1798, 100.

Last Updated on 6 months by Admin


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