CŒDÈS, Georges

CŒDÈS, Georges. Paris 10.8.1886 — Neuilly-sur-Seine 2.10.1969. French South-East Asian Scholar (Historian and Epigraphist). Son of bank director Hippolyte C. and Marie Carette. The family is sometimes claimed to have Hungarian Jewish origin, but according to Wikipedia his ancestors were already living in Strasbourg before 1740. Educated at Lycée Carnot, from 1903 studies of German language (diplom 1906). After one year in Germany in 1908-09 teacher of German at Lycée Condorcet, then served in the army. Interested early in South and especially South-East Asian studies (Sanskrit and Khmer), from 1905 contributed epigraphical articles. In 1911 diplom of É.P.H.É. (sciences relig., with a diss. on Angkor reliefs, under Foucher) and a scholarship of E.F.E.O. in Cambodia. From 1914 professeur de philologie indochinoise there (a research position without much teaching). In 1918-26 Conservator in National Library of Thailand and in 1927-29 General Secretary of Royal Institut in Bangkok. In 1929-47 Director of É.F.E.O. in Hanoi. After 1947 living in retirement in Paris. He had never a teaching post, although gave some courses (1947-51 at É.L.O.V.). In 1965-69 President of Soc. asiatique. One of the most appreciated historians of South-East Asia of his times. Married 1930 Neang Yao, a lady of Cambodian aristocracy, children.

Publications: Textes d’auteurs grecs et latins relatifs à l’Extrême-Orient. 31+187 p. P. 1910.

“Une recension pālie des Annales d’Ayuthya”, BEFEO 14:3, 1914, 1-31; “Notes sur les ouvrages palis composés en pays thai”, BEFEO 15:3, 1915, 39-46.

– “Le Royaume de Çrīvijaya”, BEFEO 18, 1918, 1-36; “Les inscriptions malaises de Çrīvijaya”, BEFEO 30, 1930, 29-80.

Bronzes khmèrs. 63 p. 51 pl. Ars as. 5. P. 1923.

Recueil des Inscriptions du Siam. 1-2. 167+177 & 52+54 p. Bangkok 1924-29; Inscriptions du Cambodge. 1-8. Hanoi & Paris 1937-66.

– “Documents sur l’histoire politique et religieuse de Laos occidental”, BEFEO 25, 1925, 1-202.

Les États hindouisés d’Indochine et d’Indonésie. 11+468 p. P. 1948 (1st ed. Hanoi 1944); English transl. Honolulu 1968; Les peuples de la péninsule indochinoise: histoire, civilisations. 228 p. P. 1962; English transl. The making of Southeast Asia. Honolulu 1969.

Catalogue des manuscrits en pāli, laotien et siamois provenant de la Thailande, Bibliothèque Royale de Copenhague. 116 p. Copenhague 1966.

– “Une vie indochinoise du Buddha: la Paṭhamasambodhi”, Mélanges Renou 1968, 217-227.

A great number of articles and reviews in Arts as., BEFEO (especially 40 under the general title “Études cambodgiennes” 1911-56), JA, JSiamSoc, etc.

Sources: J. Filliozat, BEFEO 57, 1970, 1-24 with bibliography and photo, also in CRAI 1970 51-60; *Th. Galestin, Jaarboek K.N.A.W. 1969-70, 316-321; P. Singaravélou, D.O.L.F. 226f.; *A. Zigmund-Cerbu & J. Boisselier, Art.As. 24, 1961, 155-186; *P.H. Pott, BTLV 127, 1971, 209-214; Chercheurs d’Asie 113-116; Wikipedia with portrat (more in French version); photo also in JA 261, 1973.

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