COLLINS, Mark. Brighton 28.12.1866 — 193?. British Indologist in India. Educated at Brighton Grammar School. In 1881-86 in business, then teacher at a private school preparing himself for matriculation examination, which he passed at University of London in 1888. In 1892 B.A. there. At the same time taught at Brighton Grammar School until 1892, then to India. In 1893-97 teacher at East Indian Railway Hill School in Mussoorie, 1898-1900 senior teacher at Armenian College in Calcutta. In 1900-1904 he was Professor of English at Central Hindu College, learnt there Sanskrit under pandits. In 1904 returned to Europe and 1905-07 studied at Leipzig Indology under Windisch (also Lindner and Brugman). Ph.D. 1907 Leipzig. In 1908-14 Professor of Sanskrit and Comparative Philology at Trinity College in Dublin, then again to India, where he became in 1914 Professor of Sanskritic Philology at Madras University, until 1919. For a while also joint editor of Tamil lexicon. In 1922 moved to Santiniketan and worked at Visva-Bharati, associated with R. Tagore, remained there until 1931. Now studied Chinese with Tan Yun-shan.
Publications: Diss. The Geographical Data of the Raghuvaṁśa and Daśakumāracarita, considered more especially in their bearing upon the date of these works. 62 p. Lp. 1907.
– Edited: Dravidic Studies. 1-3. Madras 1919-24.
Sources: Vita in diss.; Who Was Who 1929-1940 (without date of death), no more in Br. Biogr. Arch. 2nd Series.
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