CONGER, George Perrigo. Genoa, N.Y. 18.5.1884 — Minneapolis 14.8.1960. U.S. Scholar of Indian Philosophy. Professor in Minneapolis. Son of Willis Nathaniel C. and Estelle Perrigo. Educated at Cornell University (A.B. 1907) and Union Theological Seminar (B.D. 1910). Further studies at Berlin, Jena, Heidelberg and Sorbonne. Ordained as Presbyterian priest in 1913. Worked as a minister in Wisconsin and New Jersey. Participated in WW I, in 1916-17 war prisoner. Ph.D. 1922 Columbia University. At University of Minnesota: Assistant Professor 1920-28, Associate Professor 1928-37 and Professor of Philosophy 1937-52. In 1952 emeritus. Visiting Professor in 1952-54 at Ohio Wesleyan University and in 1954-55 at University of Calcutta. A pioneer of the study of Indian philosophy in the U.S.A., taught it in his university. Married Agnes Hulburd.
Publications: Books on philosophy, articles also on Indian thought (mainly modern).
– “Cosmic Persons and Human Universes in Indian Philosophy”, JASB 29, 1933, 255-270; “Did India Influence Early Greek Philosophies?”, Philosophy East & West 2, 1952, 102–128.
Sources: Who Was Who in Am. 4; a photo in
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