CORDIER, Palmyr Uldéric Alexis. Amancey (Doubs) 18.2.1871 — Besançon 5.9.1914. French Physician and Indologist, an early specialist of the Āyurveda. Born in a modest family, educated in Besançon. Studied medicine in Toulon and Bordeaux, at Marine medical school. Became friend with —> Liétard and began the study of Sanskrit. 1894 at Faculté de médecine de Bordeaux. In 1894 was sent to Senegal, 1896 returned on furlough to Besançon. Then served in Madagascar (Tananarive and Tamatave), all the time pursuing his studies on Indian medicine. In 1897 returned because of an illness, after recovering he was sent to Chandernagore, where he served until 1900. Now he was also able to travel in India. In 1900 again in France, then in Pondichéry and Hanoi. In August 1914 joined the army as physician, was taken prisoner in Alsace, was soon freed as ill, but died. Married.
Cordier obtained good command of Sanskrit and, in order to read medical works lost in original, learned also Tibetan.
Publications: Diss. Étude sur la médecine hindoue. 116 p. P. 1894.
– Catalogue du Fonds Tibétain de la Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. II. Index du Bstan-hgyur. 1-2. 402+562 p. P. 1909-15.
– Articles collected in Un demi-siècle de recherches âyurvédiques. Gustave Liétard et Palmyr Cordier. Travaux sur l’histoire de la médecine indienne. Documents réunis et présentés par Arion Roşu. 121+615 p. P.I.C.I., série in-8°, fascicule 8. Paris 1989.
Sources: Ed. Chavannes, TP 15, 1914, 551-553; L. Finot, BEFEO 14:9, 1914, 99; Roşu (above).
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