DRURY, Heber

DRURY, Heber. Harrow-on-the-Hill, Middlesex 4.3.1819 (22.5. is probably the date of baptism) — Holton, Mayfield 30.10.1905. British Colonial Officer in India, a Botanist. Son of Harry Dr. (1778–1841), a classical scholar, and Ann Caroline Tyler. Educated at Harrow. After cadetship joined Madras Native Infantry in 1837, served in Travancore. Captain 1846. In 1852-62 assistant to General William Cullent, Resident in Travancore. Lieutenant-Colonel 1863, Colonel 1867 and retired. Married 1852 Annie Playfair Ross (d. 1859), five children, and 1861 Elizabeth Sarah Court (1837–1917), ten children.

Publications: “Remarks on some lately discovered Roman Gold Coins”, JASB 20, 1851, 371-387 (in Kerala).

The Useful Plants of India; with Notices of their Uses in Medicine, Commerce, and the Arts. Madras 1858, 2nd ed. 512 p. L. 1873.

Handbook of the Indian Flora. Being a Guide to all the Flowering Plants hitherto described as indigenous to the Continent of India. 1-3. Madras 1862-69.

Translated from Dutch: Letters from Malabar, by Jacob Canter Visscher. 191 p. Madras 1862.

Reminiscences of Life and Sport in Southern India. 230 p. L. 1890.

Sources: Wikipedia; family in red1st.com.

Last Updated on 10 months by Admin


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