COXE, William Henry

COXE, William Henry. 1840 — 18.12.1869, when 29. British Classical Scholar. The eldest son of Henry Octavius Coxe (1811–1881), the Librarian of Bodleiana, and Charlotte Esther Turner. Studies of Classics and Sanskrit at Balliol College, Oxford. Characterised as a Sanskrit scholar, but from 1861 worked in British Museum as Assistant to Norris and Birch and thus became involved in the work on cuneiform. In fact Birch employed him believing that Sanskrit could help the work on cuneiform. Disappointed with cuneiform he resigned in January 1865 and joined Indian Educational Service, but again disappointed and returned to his old position in December. Apparently he held the unpaid chair of Sanskrit at King’s College, London, for a short time in 1865. In 1868 his health broke down.

Publications: Nothing known.

Sources: S.L[ane]-P[oole], D.N.B. 12, 1887, 419f. on his father; E.A. Wallis Budge, Rise and Progress of Assyriology. L. 1925, 105f.; stray notes in Internet

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