CRAVEN, Roy Curtis, Jr. Cherokee Bluffs, Alabama 29.7.1924 — 30.5.1996. U.S. Art Historian, also painter, sculpturer and photographer. Son of R.C.Cr. Sr. and Edna Morris. Associate Professor of Art at the University of Florida in Gainesville, from 1964 acting director of the new University of Florida Gallery. Then Professor at University of Florida, retired. Field work in India (1962-63) and Central America. Married Lorna Elizabeth Andreae, one daughter and one son.
Publications: About dozen books on Indian art, e.g.:
– A concise history of Indian Art. 252 p. 200 ill. L. 1976.
– Edited: Ramayana Pahari Paintings. 106 p. 73 ill. Bombay 1990.
– With V. C. Ohri, ed.: Painters of the Pahari schools. 172 p. ill. Mumbay 1998.
– Also wrote on Central American Indian art.
Sources: Wikipedia briefly; family details in
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