FALLON, Pierre

FALLON, Pierre. Namur 24.9.1912 — Calcutta 20.9.1985. S.J. Belgian Jesuit Missionary in India. Indian citizen 1950. After school in Namur joined S.J. in 1930, studied Indology and theology at Louvain (lic.phil. & lic. theol.). Came to Calcutta in 1935. Professor of French at Calcutta University for 25 years, also taught at St. Xavier’s College. In 1950 founded together with R. Antoine Shanti Bhavan in Calcutta as a centre of intercultural and interfaith dialogue. Died of heart attack.

Publications: A glossary of Bengali religious terms. 2+102 p. Calcutta 1945 (English–Bengali).

Several chapters in R. Antoine, R. De Smet & J. Neuner, Religious Hinduism: A Presentation and Appraisal. 1964, 3rd rev. ed. Allahabad 1968: “Introduction: A Christian Approach to Non-Christian Religions”, 15-22, “God in Hinduism: Brahman, Paramātman and Bhagavān”, 73-81, “The Gods of Hinduism“, 82-94, “Image worship”, 172-182, “Bhagavata Purana and Bhakti Currents”, 236-245, “Doctrinal Background of the Bhakti Spirituality”, 246-254, “Ramakrishna, Vivekananda and Radhakrishnan”, 287-295, “The Present Situation”, 308-320 (the last with R. Antoine).

Translated parts of the Bible and other Christian texts into Bengali, articles.

Sources: Wikipedia (also French version, with photo).

Last Updated on 10 months by Admin


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