FERNANDEZ, Gonçalo. 1541 — 1619/21. Father. Portuguese Jesuit in India. Arrived in India in 1560 as a soldier, but soon turned to religion and joined the S.J. In charge of the Mission in Madurai from 1595, he became Roberto De Nobili’s superior, but strongly opposed to the new methods of mission suggested by him. Himself wrote about Hinduism in 1616. He did not know Sanskrit, but was informed by local Pandits. He was not a theologian and hardly had any success as a missionary.

Publications: Tratado do P. Gonçalo Fernandes Trancoso Sobre O Hinduismo. Ed. by Joseph Wicki, S.J. 32+339 p. 2 pl. Lisbon: Centro de Estudos Historicos Ultramarinos 1973.

Sources: Županov 1999; https://home.snu.edu/~hculbert/nobili.htm.

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