FERRAR, Michael Lloyd. Coleraine, Londonderry 1839 — 1904. British (Irish) Civil Servant in India. Son of Michael Lloyd Ferrar, a cavalry officer of Indian army, and Mary Minchin (d. 1858). Joined I.C.S. and arrived in 1863 and retired 1899. In 1871 served in Seetapore, Audh. Married 1870 Rosa Margaret O’Donnell (1848–1941), their son M.L.F. (1876-1971), of the same name, was commissioner of Andamans and an entomologist. They also had a daughter.
Publications: On Todar Mall, ProcASB 1871, 178 & 1872, 35f.
Sources: https://www.s-asian.cam.ac.uk/archive/papers/item/ferrar-m-l-papers/; myheritage-com.
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