FERRARI, Alfonsa

FERRARI, Alfonsa. Aquila 1.11.1918 — 1.1.1954. Italian Indologist. Professor in Rome. Grew up in Milano, studied in Rome, graduated in 1941 under Formichi and 1945 under Tucci (Indian religion and philosophy). From 1945 assistente straordinario di sanscrit. In 1946 and 1947-48 further studies of Buddhism, Tibetan and Sanskrit literature in Paris under Bloch, Renou, Bacot and Lalou. From 1949 Docent and from 1951 Professor of Sanskrit in Rome. The last one and a half years she fought against her fatal illness.

Ferrari was interested in Sanskrit and Tibetan, and as a student of Tucci in religion and philosophy, but her work was cut short too early. Her main works, both originally her dissertations, are the Arthaviniścaya, edition of the Sanskrit text completed from Tibetan and Chinese versions, and the Pāramitāsamāsa of Āryaśūra, Sanskrit text according to a Kathmandu manuscript, Italian translation and notes according to the Tibetan version.

Publications: “Arthaviniścaya (testo e versione)”, Mem. Accad. dei Lincei 7:4:13, 1944, 535-625 (diss. 1941); Il “Compendio delle Perfezioni” di Aryasûra. 101 p. Annali Lateranensi 10. Città del Vaticano 1946 (diss. 1945).

Articles: “Jainismo”, Enciclopedia Cattolica; “Teatro dell’ India, di Giava e dell’ Indocina”, Enciclopedia del Teatro.

Reviews in Asiatica 1941-42, RSO 25, 1950, and Bibliographie Bouddhique 21-24, 1947-50.

Edited: mK’yen brtse’s Guide to the holy places of Central Tibet. Completed by L. Petech. 22+199 p. 53 ill. S.O.R. 16. R. 1958.

Sources: L. Petech, E & W 4, 1953, 329; G. Tucci, RSO 29, 1954, 158f.

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