DAALEN, Leendert Antonius van. Schemed, Groningen 30.4.1939 — Hilversum 1.10.1993. Dutch Indologist. Studied Classical Philology at Utrecht (M.A. 1966), then Indology (M.A. 1970) under Gonda. Ph.D. 1980 with a thesis, which called much international discussion, though mostly deemed unsuccesful. In 1966-92 Lecturer of Sanskrit at Utrecht, moved after the closing of the Department there to Leiden in 1992. After a four months’ illness he died of cancer after having used his last days in the attempt to finish his book on the Gauḍavaha. Married, children.
Publications: Diss. Vālmīki’s Sanskrit. 19+315 p. Or. Rheno-Tr. 25. Ld. 1980.
– Articles on Rāmāyaṇa tradition, e.g. ZDMG Suppl. 2, 1974, 313-320; IT 7, 1979, 171-180; ALB 50, 1986, 402-417; WZKS 33, 1989, 25-43 and 36, 1992, 61-70; and a few on the Gauḍavaha; “The particle kila/kira in Sanskrit, Prākrit and the Pāli Jātakas”, IIJ 31, 1988, 111-137.
– With H.W. Bodewitz: “Vākpatirāja’s Gauḍavaha”, WZKS 42, 1998, 41-66.
Sources: Personal knowledge (we met several times between 1986-91); H. Bodewitz, IIJ 37, 1994, 93f.; Dutch Indology homepage has full bibliography.
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