GANGULI, Milada (née Sýkorová). Přerov, Olomouc region 10.7.1913 — Kolkata 27.4.2000. Czechwoman in India. Educated in Prague and London, in London met the Bengali writer Mohanlal Ganguli, a friend of R. Tagore. They were married in 1936 and went to India in 1939. In 1963-88 she visited Nagaland 18 times collecting ethnographic objects, now kept in Indira Gandhi National Centre of the Arts in New Delhi.

Publications: Obrázky z Bengálska. 197 p. Prague 1963; V říši klenotů. 164 p. Prague 1967.

Putovanie za lovcami lebiek. 1970, new ed. 188 p. 24 pl. Bratislava 1982; German transl. Reise zu den Naga. 283 p. 84 ill. Lp. 1970.

A pilgrimage to the Nagas. 16+275 p. ill. N.D. 1984.

Naga Art. 18+91 p. N.D. 1993.

Sources: Stray notes in Internet (books often, almost nothing about the author); portrait by R. Tagore in (accessed 8.8.2020).

Last Updated on 3 years by Admin


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