DANTINNE, Jean. Liège 1930 — 1996. Belgian Buddhist Scholar (Sanskrit, Chinese, Tibetan). Studies of Buddhist philology, Chinese and Japanese at Louvain (i.al. under Lamotte) 1964-66, also Indology at Liège. From 1975 Lecturer in Modern and Classical Chinese at Liège, then Professor (?) at Louvain-la-neuve (1983).

If he was born in 1930 and only studied as late as 1964-66, what he did before?  enaos.be knows one Jean D. (Montegnée 4.12.1940 — Liège 13.6.2006), widower of Hortensia Garcia, but gives no further details.

Publications: Diss. Akṣobhavyūha. La splendeur de l’inébranlable. Tome 1. Chapitres I–III. Les auditeurs (Śrāvaka). 26+324 p. Publ. Inst. Or. Louvain 29. Louvain-la-Neuve 1983 (transl.)

– Translated and annotated: Le traité des cinq agrégats: (Pañcaskandhaprakaraṇa de Vasubandhu). 28+166 p. Publ. Inst. belge des hautes Études bouddh. 7. Brussels 1980.

Les qualités de l’ascète (Dhūtaguṇa). Etude sémantique et doctrinale. 16+131 p. Brussels 1991.

– Articles; supervised S. Webb-Boin’s translation of Lamotte’s History of Indian Buddhism. 870 p. Louvain-la-Neuve 1988.

Sources: Nothing beyond publications in Internet

Last Updated on 10 months by Admin


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