GRIEVE, Lucia Catherine Graeme

GRIEVE, Lucia Catherine Graeme. Dublin 1862 — 1946. Irish-born Scholar in the U.S.A. “Student, teacher, lecturer, farmer, poet and homemaker; born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1862, the daughter of the Rev. David Graeme Grieve and his spouse Martha Lucy (Kinkead) Grieve; was graduated from Wellesley College, 1883; taught at the Staunton Female Seminary in Staunton, Virginia, 1883-1884, the Frederick Female Seminary in Frederick, Maryland, 1884-1885, the Freehold Young Ladies Seminary in Freehold, N.J., 1885-1886, the Maury Institute (i.e., the Mississippi Synodical College) in Holly Springs, Mississippi, 1886-1888, and the Young Female College in Thomasville, Georgia, 1888-1893; subsequently educated in art and archaeology at Columbia University (interrupted by coursework at Oxford University in 1896-1897), she received a Ph.D. in 1898; lived during her later life in New York City, Martindale Depot, New York, Westerleigh, New York, and Ocean Grove, N.J.; lectured on geography (chiefly India) while in New York City; farmed from 1911 to 1922 at Martindale Depot; wrote poetry (published in newspapers and minor anthologies); participated actively in church work (from 1908 as a member of the Methodist church); died in 1946.”

Publications: Diss. Death and Burial in Attic Tragedy. 1. 81 p. N.Y. 1898.

– “Some folk-stories of Rāmdās, the Last of the Sages”, JAOS 25, 1904, 185-188.

Sources:; not in D.I.B.; photo in

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