GRINDLAY, Robert Melville

GRINDLAY, Robert Melville. St.Marylebone near London 23.10.1786 — Nice, France 9.12.1877. British Colonial Officer and Artist in India, then Businessman in London. Son of Rev. Dr. John and Elizabeth Gr. Educated in London, Cadet 1802. Arrived in India in 1803 (when 17) and served 1804-20 in Bombay Native Infantry. Retired 1820 as Captain and returned to England. In 1828 started an agency house, Leslie & Grindlay (the future Grindlays Bank), organizing travels to India and back and arranging banking operations. Retired from business in 1852. Married 1823 Maria Susannah Commerel, their only son died as infant.

Publications: “Sculptures in the Cave Temples of Ellora”, TrRAS 2, 1830, 326f., 487-490, 7 pl.

Scenery, costumes and architecture, chiefly on the western side of India. 36 colour pl. L. 1826-30.

A View of the Present State of the Question as to Steam Communication with India. 2nd ed. 99 p. L. 1837.

Sources: A.K. Chatterjee 2018 in; Wikipedia (long article).

Last Updated on 8 months by Admin


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