GUIMET, Émile-Étienne. Lyon 2.6.1836 — Fleurieu-sur-Saône near Lyon 12.10.1918. French Industrialist, Traveller and Collectioner, the Founder of Musée Guimet. Son of Jean-Baptiste G. (1795–1871), chemist and founder of the family industry, and Zélie (Rosalie) Bidault (1798–1876), a paintress and musician. In early years he concentrated on art and music (studied in Vienne, Berlin and Dresden), but in 1871 inherited the paternal firm, which he then led with success. He traveled in 1865-66 in Egypt (where he started collecting Oriental art) and 1876-77 round the world. The museum based on his collections he opened in 1879 in Lyon and moved it to Paris in 1888. Married 1868 Lucie Sanlaville, who died in three months, and 1877 her sister, with whom he had one son. Legion d’honneur 1877, as officer 1895, correspondant of A.I.B.L. 1917. Died after short illness. He created the various publication series of Musée Guimet.

Publications: Huit jours aux Indes. 180 p. P. 1886.

– “Lao Tzeu et le Brâhmanisme”, Actes de IIme Congrès international d’Histoire des Religions, Basel 1904 (1905), 168-183.

Much on art of and travels in Africa and Asia.

Sources: *H. Beaumont, Les Aventures d’EG. Un industriel voyageur. P. 2014; H. Cordier, TP 18, 1918-19, 380-382; *J. Ducor, “Nouveaux éléments concernant l’enquête d’Émile Guimet sur les religions du Japon”, JA 302, 2014, 23-45 & *“La cigale laborieuse et la fourmi dépensière. Portraits croisés de Félix Régamey et Émile Guimet”, JA 304, 2016, 265-302; *P. Girard, CRAI 62, 1918, 363f.; *J.-F. Jarrige, “Émile Guimet (1836-1917): un novateur et un visionnaire”, CRAI 144, 2000, 1361-1368; J.G. Leturcq, D.O.L.F. 471f.; *T. de Morembert, D.B.F. 17, 1989, 283; RHR 78, 1918, 183f.; Wikipedia with portrait (more details and photo in French version).

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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