HARRIS, Mary Belle. Factoryville, PA 19.8.1874 — Lewisburg, PA 22.2.1957. U.S. Administrator and former Student of Sanskrit. Daughter of John Howard Harris, a Baptist minister (then long tome President of Bucknell University), and Mary Elizabeth H. Mace, lost her mother when six. Educated at Keystone Academy, then studies at Bucknell University (A.B. in Music 1893, A.M. in Latin 1894) and Chicago (Ph.D. in Sanskrit 1900), later also archaeology and numismatics at Johns Hopkins. In 1900-10 also taught Latin in Chicago and Baltimore. In 1912-14 taught at American Classical School in Rome. Back in the U.S.A she became superintendent of women and deputy warden of the Workhouse in Blackwell’s Island in New York, now developed into administrator and prison reformer. From 1918 Superintendent of State Reformatory for Women in Clinton, NJ, 1919 of State Home for Girls in Trenton, NJ, from 1925 of the planned Federal Industrial Institution for Women Alderson WV. Retired in 1941.
Publications: Kālidāsa: Poet of Nature. 105 p. Boston 1936 (diss. 1900, now publ. without footnotes, Sanskrit quotations and some special discussions).
Sources: https://www.encyclopedia.com/women/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/harris-mary-belle-1874-1957; Wikipedia with photo.
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