HARRISON, H. J. 1??? — 1???. Rev. Educated at Bishop’s College in Calcutta. In 1841 missionary in Barrioore near Calcutta, also studies at Bishop’s College. Around 1847 assisted as Catechist Rev. Driberg in founding the new Nurbudda Mission for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. One contemporary report says that he was catechist in Saugor in 1840-46.

Publications: With J. G. Driberg: Narrative of a second visit to the Gonds of the Nurbudda Territory with a Grammar and Vocabulary of their Language. 4+58 p. Calcutta 1849.

Sources: Stray notes in Internet, i.al. brief mention in the Irish Eccleciastic Journal 1847; not in D.I.B.

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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