DELMERICK, James George. 1828/29 (hardly 1831) — 1915. British Civil Servant in India. In 1872 in Rawalpindi, 1874/77 Assistant Commissioner in Delhi. Married 1849 in Agra Isabella Mary Luckstedt (1831–1910), children.
Publications: “Notes on Archaeological Remains at Sháhki Dherí, and the site of Taxila”, JASB 39:1, 1870, 89-94; “A History of the Gakk’hars”, JASB 40:1, 1871, 67-101; “A unique Tetradrachma of a new Bactrian King”, ProcASB 1872, 34f. (Plato); “Inscriptions from Sonpat”, ProcASB 1873, 94-97 (Arabic and Persian); “Note on a new Gold Coin of Mahmúd Sháh bin Muhammad Sháh bin Tughluq Sháh, of Dihlí”, JASB 43:1, 1874, 97f.; “Lists of Rare Muhammadan Coins. I. Coins of the Kings of Dihlí and Jaunpúr”, JASB 44:1, 1875, 126-129; “Lists… II. Coins of the Kings of Dihlí, Màlwah, Bengal, Kulbarga and Kashmír”, JASB 45:1, 1876, 291-296; “On a Silver Coin of Shams-uddin Kaimura”, ProcASB 1881, 157f.; also wrote to IA.
Sources: A few stray notes in Internet. Not in Br. Biogr. Arch. 1st & 2nd Series, no works in the N.U.C.
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