HOLROYD, William Rice Morland. Wimbledon, London 28.10.1835 — Lyndhurst, Hampshire 3.9.1913. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of Edward H. and Caroline Pugsley. From 1854 served in Bengal Army, long time in the Punjab in educational offices. Colonel from 1883. Dr. of Oriental Learning 1890 Lahore. Married 1866 Helen Maria Sophia Westmacott (1835–1875), four daughters and one son, then Eleanor Hay, one daughter.
Publications: Tas-hīl ul-Kalám, or Hindustani made easy. Part 1. Lahore 1866, new edd. Delhi 1867, L. 1870, complete work, 18+267 p. L. 1873, and many editions.
– Hindustani for every Day. Lahore & L. 1906.
– How to Speak and Write English. 1. For the Use of Natives of India: English-Urdu Edition. 207 p. 1875.
Sources: https://family.ray-jones.org.uk/rootspersona-tree/william-rice-morland-holroyd/.
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