HOPE, Theodore C.

HOPE, Theodore Cracraft. 9.12.1831 — London 4.7.1915. Sir. British Civil Servant in India. The only child of James Hope (1801–1841), a noted physician, and Anne Fulton (1809–1887), an author (historian). Educated at Rugby and Haileybury. In 1853 joined Bombay Civil Service. Worked in Gujarat, especially in Ahmedabad and Surat, from 1871 in higher administrative positions in Bombay (1882-87 member of executive council). Retired 1888. C.I.E 1882, K.C.I.E. 1886. Married 1866 Josephine Fulton, no children. He was interested in languages and in archaeology.

Publications: Gujarātī bhāṣānuṁ vyākaraṇ. Bombay 1858, 12th ed. 1887.

Gujarati 1st Book., also 2nd Book, 3rd Book, 4th Book, 5th Book, 6th Book, and Gujarati 7th Book. All published in Bombay in many editions between 1867 and 1885.

With Th. Biggs (photos) & J. Fergusson: Architecture at Ahmedabad, the Capital of Goozerat. 16+100 p. ill. 120 pl. L. 1866 (Hope’s part 1-65).

With H. Arnoux: Surat, Broach, and other old cities of Goojerat. 8 p. 20 pl. Bombay 1868.

Church and State in India. A minute. 48 p. L. 1893.

Memoirs of the Fultons of Lisburn. 6+96 p. L. 1903.

Sources: Wikipedia; stray notes in Internet.

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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