HOWORTH, Henry Hoyle. Lisbon 1.7.1842 — London 15.7.1923. Sir. British Barrister, Conservative Politician and amateur Historian and Geologist. Son of Henry H. (1817–1850), a British merchant residing in Portugal, and Elizabeth Beswick, educated at Rossall School in Lancashire. Called to the bar 1867 (Middle Temple), practised as lawyer in Manchester. From 1886 conservative M.P., retired 1900. K.C.I.E. 1892. LL.D. Married 1869 Katherine Brierley (1846–1921), three sons.

As a historian Howorth was an untrained amateur, who often raised heated opposition. In geology he was neo-diluvialist and attacked the ice age theory.

Publications: Wrote on Mongolian history, on geology and prehistory, on church history, etc.

– “The Westerly Drifting of Nomades, from the Fifth to the Nineteenth Century”, JRAnthrInst 1, 1872, 226-253 (Parts VI-VII); 2, 1873, 205-227 (Part IX); 3, 1874, 145-173 (X), 277-299 (XI), 452-475 (XII).

– “The Arian Nomades. Part I. The Sauromatae or Sarmatae”, JRAnthrInst 6, 1877, 41-54 . (by him also other articles in various issues of JRAnthrInst – e.g. on Darwin, on the migrations of Germans and Slavs); “Buddhism in the Pacific”, JRAnthrInst 51, 1921, 279-287 (Hawaiian dress and helmets compared to Tibetan Lamaist attire).

– “The Initial Coinage of Parthia”, NC 3:10, 1890, 33-41; “The History and Coinage of Artaxerxes III., his Satraps and Dependants”, NC 4:3, 1903, 1-46; “Some Notes on Coins attributed to Parthia”, NC 4:5, 1905, 209-246 & 4:7, 1907, 125-144.

Sources: *C.O., NC 5:3, 1923, 376-378; W.B. Dawkins, Man 23, 1923, 138f. with photo; *R.C.T[emple], JRAS 1923, 670; J.C. Ting, British Contribution to Chinese Studies. 1195-1205;; Wikipedia with caricature.

Last Updated on 8 months by Admin


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