JARRETT, Henry Sullivan. Madras 17.6.1839 — East Grinstead, Sussex 15.4.1919. British Colonial Officer in India. Colonel. Son of Thomas Stanhope Jarrett and Eliza Julia Chambers. Educated at Prior Park, Bath. Joined Indian army in 1857, just in time to serve against the insurrection. In 1870-94 Secretary and Member of Board of Examiners at Fort William and Assistant Secretary in the government Legislative Department. C.I.E. 1895. Married 1874 Agnes Delacour Beaufort (1850–1930), six sons.
Publications: Edited in Urdū: Muntakhab-i Musnawiyāt-i Saudā. Calcutta 1875; in Persian: Anwar-i-Suhayli; or, The lights of Canopus. 630 p. n.pl. 1880; Diwan-i Hafiz. 14+232 p. Calcutta 1881.
– “Note on Inscription found from Kashmir”, ProcASB 1880, 54-; “Note of an Inscription of an Ancient Mosque in Koh Inám, Zillah Allahabad”, ProcASB 1880, 72-; “Note on an Inscription found on a stone lying near the ruins of a Masjid on Lanka Island, Wular Lake, Kashmir”, JASB 49:1, 1880, 16-20.
– Translated: History of the Caliphs, by Jalál’uddín a’s Suyúti. 23+562 p. Calcutta 1881 (from Arabic); completed H. Blochmann’s The Aini Akbari by Abu’l Fazl Allami. 2-3. Bibl. Ind. Calcutta 1891-94 (from Persian); further works, also translations from European languages.
Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; data.bnf.fr; ancestry.com.
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