JENKINS, Richard. Cruckton near Shrewsbury 18.2.1785 — Blackheath near London 30.12.1853. Sir. British Civil Servant in India, then Politician. Son of Richard Jenkins (1760–1797) and Constantia Harriet Ravenscroft. In India 1800-28, served in Bombay C.S., in 1807-27 resident in Nagpur. Returned to England in 1828. He was M.P. (conservative) for Shrewsbury in 1830-32 and 1837-41. One of the directors of 1832-53, chairman 1839. Hon. D.C.L. 1834 Oxford. Knighted 1838. Married 1824 Elizabeth Helen Spottiswoode, three sons and two daughters.
Publications: “Account of Ancient Hindu Remains in Chattisgher”, AsRes 15, 1825, 499-519 (with notes by H. H. Wilson).
– Report on the Territories of the Rajah of Nagpore: Submitted to the Supreme Government of India. 357 p. Calcutta 1827.
Sources: *Pr. Gadre, Sir R.J.: Indian Years. Delhi 2017; *F.A. Hagar, RJ and the Residency at Nagpur, 1807-1826. Berkeley 1960; E.J.R[apson], D.N.B. 29, 305f.; family details in; Wikipedia – see R.J. (MP).
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