HARKNESS, Henry. 17?? — Lympstone, Devon 17.8.1838. British Colonial Officer in South India. Captain (1826/34). Commanded the escort of Bishop —> Heber until Heber’s death in 1826. He collaborated with —> MacKenzie, edited Ram Raz’s posthumous Architecture of the Hindus (L. 1834) and worked as the secretary of College of Fort St.George. Back in the U.K. he was Secretary of the R.A.S. in 1834/37.

Publications: A Description of a Singular Aboriginal Race inhabiting the Summit of Neilgherry Hills. 7+175 p. L. 1832, abridged French transl 1882.

Ancient and Modern Alphabets of the Popular Hindu Languages of the Southern Peninsula of India. 2+36 p. L. 1837.

With Moulavi Syyid Abdul Kadir Hosani: Sarf, the fifth book of a series, designed to assist native students in the acquirement of a correct and grammatical knowledge of the Hindustani language, as spoken in the Peninsula of India. 49 p. Madras 1828 (in Urdu, title page in English – Dogra 387).

With Visvambra Sastri, an elementary book of Sanskrit in Tamil (1827).

– “Remarks on the School System of the Hindús”, JRAS 1, 1834, 15-19.

Sources: Stray notes in Internet.

Last Updated on 8 months by Admin


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