DOROW, Wilhelm. Königsberg 22.3.1790 — Halle 16.12.1846. German Antiquarian Scholar. A precursor of Indian art history who, according to Mode, did not share the common contempt of Indian art of his times. Lost early his father, educated in Marienburg (Malbork in Poland). For a while studied at Königsberg. Moved 1811 to Paris, where he won the favour of Hardenberg and was used in diplomatic offices. In 1813-14 in Prussian army. Became interested in archaeology and conducted amateurish excavations in Germany. Ph.D. 1819 Marburg. In 1820-22 Director for Antiquities in Rhineland and Westfalen in Bonn, then in Foreign ministry, but lost also this position. In 1827-29 in Rome studying Etrurian antiquities. The rest of his life he spent as private scholar in Halle.
Publications: Morgenländische Alterthümer. 1-2. Wb. 1819-21 (2. “Die indische Mythologie erläutert durch drei noch nicht bekanntgewordene Original-Gemählde aus Indien”, etc., including also comments by Grotefend and —> Niklas Müller).
– Much on European antiquities and archaeology, also on modern literature and politics.
Sources: H. Mode, “Eine bemerkenswerte Diskussion über ein indisches Kunstwerk”, Festschrift E. Waldschmidt 1977, 319-328 (with 3 ill.); L. v. Urlichs, A.D.B. 5, 1877, 359f.; German Wikipedia.
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