DOWSON, John. Uxbridge near London 1820 — Sandhurst, Buckinghamshire 23.8.1881. British Indologist. Professor in Sandhurst. In the age of 16 came to London to assist his uncle —> Edwin Norris, the secretary of R.A.S. He became soon interested in Oriental languages. He was a self-made scholar, but very able. Tutor at Haileybury. In 1855 (unpaid) Professor of Hindustani at University College in London, but still in the same year obtained a chair at Staff College in Sandhurst, where he taught until 1877. His Classical Dictionary is a classic, indeed, many times reprinted.
Publications: “On the Chera Kingdom of Ancient India”, JRAS 8, 1846, 1-29.
– Edited —> H. M. Elliot’s The History of India, as told by its own Historians. Vols. 2-9. L. 1867-77.
– Translated: Ikhwan-us-Safa, or, Brothers of Purity. 8+156 p. L. 1869 (from Urdū).
– Grammar of Urdū or Hindūstānī Language. 264 p. L. 1872, 3rd ed. 1908.
– Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology and Religion. 430 p. L. 1879, many editions.
– “Translation of three Copper Plate Inscriptions of the 4th century and Notices of the Châlukya and Gurjjara Dynasties”, JRAS 1, 1865, 247-286; articles on Kharoṣṭhī epigraphy, “On a newly discovered Bactrian Pali Inscription”, JRAS 20, 1863, 221-268; “Translation of a B. P. I.”, JRAS 4, 1870, 497-502; “Ancient Inscriptions from Mathura”, JRAS 5, 1871, 182-193; “Notes on a B. P. I. and the Samvat Era”, JRAS 7, 1875, 376-383; “Further Note on…”, JRAS 9, 1877, 144-146; “Indian Inscriptions”, Enc. Brit. 9, 188?.
– “The Invention of Indian Alphabet”, JRAS 13, 1881, 102-119.
– A number of articles on India in Saturday Review, etc.
Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; S.L[ane]-P[oole], D.N.B. 15, 1888, 407f. (briefly); *K. Prior, Oxford D.N.B. 2004; JRAS 14, 1882, Proc. xivf.; Wikipedia briefly from S.L.-P.
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