DREW, William H.

DREW, William Hoyles. Plymouth 21.12.1805 — Plicate (Pazhaverkadu) May 1856. Rev. British Missionary in South India. Son of William Dr., a merchant, who died when he was three. Grew up in Dartmouth and early entered the service of a local trading company, which involved two or three trips to Newfoundland. Soon turned to religion and despite financial difficulties went 1827 to London to study theology. After ordination left for India in 1832. Worked in Madras, as chaplain of the Madras Chapel of London Missionary Society (1834-56), travelled in Bangalore and the Nilgiris. In 1840-41 on sick leave in England, visited Belgium, Germany and Switzerland. Returned to India in 1845 using the land route (France–Italy–Egypt–Bombay), visited Kerala and in 1846 arrived at Madras. Worked in Madras, travelled much in South India. Collaborated with Caldwell. Learned Tamil from the poet Ramanujan. Married 1833 Anna Sheridan (1813–1838), one daughter. Died of cholera.

Publications: The Cural of Tiruvalluvar, with the commentary of Parimelaragar, an amplification of that commentary, and a verbal interpretation of the text, by Ramanuja Cavi-Rayar, and an English translation of the text. 1-2. Madras 1842-52.

Sources: J.S. Wardlaw, Memoir of the late Rev. W.H. Drew. Vizagapatam 1857; www.spuddybike.org.uk.

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