DUBEUX, J. Louis

DUBEUX, J. Louis. Lisbon, Portugal 2.11.1798 — Paris 4.10.1863. French Oriental Scholar. Professor in Paris. Son of a clerk of the French embassy in Lisbon, in 1808 the family returned with French troops from Portugal. From 1816 worked in Royal Library, in 1835-48 as conservateur adjoint. From 1848 Jaubert’s successor as the Professor of Turkish at É.L.O.V., from 1857 Quatremère’s successor as the Professor of Hebrew at Collège de France. In 1862 retired in order to make room for Renan. He was said to have known 22 languages, including all Romance languages, Turkish, Persian, Hebrew, and apparently Sanskrit, too, but published rather little.

Publications: Translated: Chronique d’Abou-Djafar Mohammed Tabari, trad. sur la version persane d’Abou Ali Mohammed Belami. T. 1. 140+280 p. P. 1836.

La Perse. 491 p. Universe pittoresque. P. 1841; Élements de la grammaire turque. 13+120 p. P. 1856; “Lettre sur le sens donné par M. Quatremère aux mots Talmud et Mischna”, JA 1843:1; other articles and reviews.

Revised de Millié’s translation: Les Lusiades, poëme épique de Camoens. 59+367 p. P. 1841.

– “Lettre sur un article de M. E. Boré, relatif aux inscriptions pehlvies de Kirmanschah, trad. par M. Silvestre de Sacy”, JA 1843:1, 28-72

With V. Valmont: Tartarie, Béloutchistan, Boutan et Népal. 387+79 p. 24 pl. Univ. pittoresque. P. 1848.

With Langlois, Indexes to the Amarakocha, edited by Loiseleur-Deslongchamps, in vol. 2. P. 1845, and a “Notice sur Loiseleur-Deslongchamps” in his Manu edition.

Sources: E. Beauvois, N.B.G. 14, 1855, 850f.; F. Hitzel, D.O.L.F. 317; J. Richardot, D.B.F. 11, 1967; French Wikipédia.

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