ABERCROMBY (-bie), Robert. Tullibody, Clackmanshire 21.10.1740 — Airthrey, Stirlingsgire 3.11.1827. Sir. British (Scottish) General. Son of George A. and Mary Dundas. Served as officer in the French war in India and in American revolutionary war. Lieutenant-Colonel 1773. In 1790–97 Governor of Bombay and (1793) commander-in-Chief of Indian Army, in 1791 visited Kodagu (Coorg) and caused its history to be written. Lieutenant-General 1797, M.P. for Clackmannan 1798. From 1801 Governor of Edinburgh Castle (until death), General 1802. Perhaps unmarried.
Publications: ‘Rájéndranáme’ or History of Coorg, compiled by order of Vírarájéndra Vodeya, with an English translation. 152+62 p. Mangalore 1857 (Dodda Virarajendra, the raja of Kodagu 1791–1807).
Sources: Wikipedia with picture; “The Story of Veerarajendrapete”, Coorg Book (Internet).
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