LISTON, D. 1??? — 1???. Civilian, in Gorakhpur. He cannot be the same who gave the name to the mosquito Anopheles stephensi as that was only in 1901. One David Liston is mentioned as returning from India to the U.K. in 1844. Perhaps he is D.L. (1799–1881), a former missionary in India, who in 1847 became Professor of Hebrew at Edinburgh. But he was Presbyterian minister and the articles are signed by “D.L. Esq.”.

Publications: “Notice of a Colossal Alto-Relievo, known by the name of Mata Koonr situated near Kussia Tannah, in Pergunnah Sidowa, Eastern Division of Gorakhpur District”, JASB 6, 1837, 477-479 (Buddha in Kushinagar); “Translation of a Servitude-Bond granted by a Cultivator over his Family, and a Deed-of-Sale of two Slaves”, ibid. 950-952; “Notice of antiquities discovered in the eastern division of Gorakhpur; with a copy of an inscription on a stone pillar, etc.”, JASB 7, 1838, 33-36.

Sources: Nothing beyond the three articles found.

Last Updated on 7 months by Admin


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