EDELBERG, Johan Lorentz Lennart Fraas. Copenhagen 19.5.1915 — Ribe 11.11.1981. Danish Biologist and Ethnologist, Specialist of Nuristan (Afghanistan). Son of chief engineer (overingeniør) Johannes Ferdinand E. (1870-1949) and Johanne Fraas (1877-1951). Studied briefly theology, but then made cand.mag 1943 in natural history and geography. Worked as schoolteacher. In 1947-49 participated in the 3rd Danish Central Asian Expedition, led by H. Haslund-Christensen, in Afghanistan as botanist, started also ethnographic collecting and reseach. In 1953-54 again with Haslund-Christensen in Afghanistan and alone in Nuristan in 1964 and 1970, in 1964 also participated in the Luristan Expedition of Danish National Museum. Between expeditions studies local archaeology in Ribe. After first expedition concentrated on ethnography. Married 1944 Margot Hansen (1921–2014), four children.

Publications: “Fragments d’un stûpa dans la vallée du Kunar en Afghanistan”, Arts as. 4, 1957, 199-207; with D. Schlumberger: “Statues de bois: rapportées du Kafiristan à Kābul après la conquête de cette province par l’émir Abdul Rahman en 1895-96”, Arts as. 7, 1960, 243-286.

Furer i Asiens ældgamle ansigt. 98 p. Copenhagen 1961.

– “Nuristanske sølvpokaler”, KUML, Årbog for Jysk arkeo-logisk selskab 1965, 153-201 (with English summary, “Silver Cups of Nuristan”); “Some Paruni myths and hymns”, AO 34, 1972, 31-94, 34 fig. (Paruni = Safed Posh Kafir, close to Kati; text and transl.); a few further articles.

With S. Jones: Nuristan. 189 p. 64+48 pl. Graz 1979.

Nuristani buildings. 27+233 p. ill. Jutland Archaeological Society publications, 18. Aarhus 1984.

Sources: K. Ferdinand, Dansk Biografisk Leksikon (online 2011); *W. Lentz, Afghanistan Journal 9, 1982, 53.

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