EDMAN, Lars. Kalf (Älfsborg län) 22.11.1824 — 27.5.1921. Swedish Oriental Scholar and Linguist (Germanic) interested in Sanskrit. Son of a farmer, educated in Gothenburg. From 1847 studies at Uppsala, fil.kand. (Ph.D.) 1857. From 1857 Docent (PD) i österländska språken (Oriental languages), from 1863 adjunkt (Associate Professor) of German and English languages, in the 1860s also taught Sanskrit. Several times he acted as a deputy Professor. In 1892 emeritus. Travelled much in Europe. In 1870 married Anna Pamela Henning (1847–1920).
Edman never wrote much, his whole output is given in 5 titles, and among these the one related to Indology was published anonymously.
Publications: Diss. ספר תולדות ישו [Sefer toledot Yeshu] sive liber de ortu et origine Jesu ex editione Wagenseiliana transcriptus et explicatus. 31 p. Upsaliae 1857.*
– Two diss. for the adjunktship: A specimen of Chaucer’s language, with explanatory notes. 83 p. Uppsala 1861; Über den Gebrauch des Artikels im Neuhochdeutschen. 64 p. Uppsala 1862.
– Edited and translated into Latin: śrīmahābhārate nalopākhyānam / Nalus Mahábhárati episodium. I. 8 p. Uppsala 1868.
– “Zur Rection der deutschen Präpositionen I:1”, Uppsala Univ. Årsbok 1879, 139 p.
Sources: Uppsala Univ. Matrikel 1916; stray notes in Internet.
* I see that the copied Hebrew is (again) turned into mirror image.
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