MACALISTER, George. 1843 — Edinburgh 28.8.1920. Rev. British (Scottish) Presbyterian Missionary in India. M.A. Ordained 1871. First in Beawar, from 1876 worked in Jaipur, where he was in charge of education. D.D. Married with Selina Paulin (d. 1875), one daughter, and with Mary Murray Procter (1857–1924), children.

Publications: Specimens of the Dialects spoken in the State of Jeypore. 5+155 p. Allahabad 1898 (specimens, vocabul­aries and grammars of Jaipuri dialects, gives the parts also as separate publications): Dictionary of the dialects spoken in the state of Jeypore. 32 p. Allahabad? (1898?); Grammatical forms of the dialects found in the Jeypore State. 63 p. Allahabad? (1898?).

Sources: Stray notes in Internet;

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