MACFIE, John Mandeville. 30.12.1871 — 19??. Rev. British (Scottish) Missionary in India. Studies at Glasgow, M.A. 1891. From 1894 Presbyterian missionary in Rajputana. Not to be confused with Major-General J.M.M. (1891–1985).
Publications: The Mahābhārata: A Summary. 265 p. Madras 1921; The laws of Manu; a summary in English. 4+131 p. Madras 1921; The Rāmāyana of Vālmīki. 8+383 p. Madras 1923; The Vishnu Purāna: a summary with introduction and notes. 258 p. Madras 1926.
– Myths and legends of India: an introduction to the study of Hinduism. 333 p. Edinburgh 1924.
– Diss. The religious and moral teaching of Tulasīdāsa, in his poem Rāmacaritamānasas. 352 p. Edinburgh 1929.
– The Ramayan of Tulsidas: Or the Bible of Northern India. 24+260 p. Edinburgh 1930.
Sources: About a half of Google hits deal with the general, the rest with above-mentioned books, the existence of the missionary as their author was finally found in
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